MultiChoice stand firms against racism despite boycotts involving Steve Hofmeyr

Steve Hofmeyr's song was removed from the awards' nominations list.
Steve Hofmeyr's song was removed from the awards' nominations list.
Image: Gallo Images/ Netwerk 24/ Deaan Vivier

MultiChoice remains defiant in the midst of mounting calls to boycott the company over their role in Steve Hofmeyr's removal from the nominations list at the Ghoema Afrikaans Music Awards.

The controversial singer's music video with fellow artists Bok van Blerk, Jay, Ruhan Du Toit and Bobby van Jaarsveld Die Land was cut from the Best Music Video category at this year's awards.

It had earlier been nominated in the category, but Steve's participation caused a fuss and lead to DStv threatening to pull its sponsorship of the event unless the musician's name was removed from the nominations list.

MultiChoice group executive of corporate affairs Joe Heshu confirmed to TshisaLIVE that they had requested that Steve "not form part of the event" and reaffirmed their commitment to standing against racism.

"MultiChoice is committed to the building of a non-racial society and strongly condemns any acts of discrimination. MultiChoice is proud of its support for Afrikaans, not only our investment in content for our DStv platforms, but also our sponsorships of festivals, events and the broader Afrikaans performing arts sector. Our commitment to Afrikaans and all local languages will not change.  

"It has come to our attention that Steve Hofmeyr was nominated for a Ghoema Music Award in the category for Best Music Video. We have requested that Steve Hofmeyr not form part of the event that we sponsor as his views are not aligned with our values. We welcome a society where freedom of speech is celebrated, however we take a stand against racism."

Several attempts to contact the awards were unsuccessful but Steve this week took to Facebook to share a letter from the organiser telling his team of their decision to remove the song.

The decision sparked boycotts from the artists involved in the song, including Bobby and Bok.

Social media was also filled with messages calling for a boycott of MultiChoice and their product DStv in light of their "bullying".

Speaking to TshisaLIVE, MultiChoice refused to comment on these calls, saying their comment on Steve's removal was their "only comment on the matter".

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