DJ Black Coffee's Coachella performance delayed due to coronavirus outbreak

Fans will have to wait a bit longer to see DJ Black Coffee at Coachella.
Fans will have to wait a bit longer to see DJ Black Coffee at Coachella.
Image: Instagram/DJ Black Coffee

DJ Black Coffee fans were met with bad news after it emerged that the highly-anticipated Coachella music festival had been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

People magazine reported on Tuesday that the festival had been rescheduled for October as American state officials implement drastic measures to contain the virus.

Scheduled to take place over two weekends next month, the festival will now take place from October 9 to 11 and October 16 to 18. Tickets that were purchased for April will be honoured in October.

With many up in arms, Black Coffee has, however, not said anything on social media regarding the postponement of the festival.  

Coachella wasn't the only event cancelled due to the outbreak. Another major music festival, South by Southwest, was cancelled.

Speaking to the Washingtonpost, the South by Southwest (SXSW) organisers said, “We are devastated to share this news with you. 'The show must go on' is in our DNA, and this is the first time in 34 years that the March event will not take place.”

Another music group feeling the pinch of the coronavirus is the band, Goodluck, which expressed that the outbreak was messing with their bag.

Again, I'm taking a bit of a risk here as this is a sensitive subject but I really have to speak my mind. Like most people I have been following the news over the last few days and have also been watching the global fear spreading around the Coronavirus.

“It wasn't until till this morning that I realised what it truly meant for me as a musician ... I just found out that SXSW festival, Ultra Miami and Tomorrowland Winter have all been cancelled and they are talking about cancelling Coachella.”

The post continued to read that due to the outbreak, many of their gigs had to be cancelled.

“My band has also had three gigs cancelled (two in Vietnam and one in SA) due to Covid-19. I imagine the organisers are concerned about people not wanting to be in a public social space with others and to a certain extent I understand, however, I also think that it's SO important for the media to not inflate this disease to be more than it is.”

Goodluck added that as musicians they relied on live gigs and festivals as their main source of income. “And the way things are going looks extremely worrying about what our future could be like, and we are just one of the many many industries that will be affected.”

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Again, I'm taking a bit of a risk here as this is a sensitive subject but I really have to speak my mind. Like most people I have been following the news over the last few days and have also been watching the global fear spreading around the Coronavirus. It wasn't until till this morning that I realised what it truly meant for me as a musician... I just found out that SXSW festival, Ultra Miami and Tomorrowland Winter have all been cancelled and they are talking about canceling Coachella. My band has also had 3 gigs cancelled (2 in Vietnam and 1 in South Africa) due to COVID-19. I imagine the organizers are concerned about people not wanting to be in a public social spaces with others and to a certain extent I understand, however I also think that it's SO important for the media to not inflate this disease to be more than it is. To present the facts around how life threatening the virus ACTUALLY is, especially to those under the age of 50. It's around 0.3%, which is in fact far less than the regular flu. I am not trying to disrespect those who have sadly succumbed to this virus in any way but it is also important not to hype this into a place of extreme fear and panic. As musicians rely on live gigs and festivals as our main source of income and the way things are going looks extremely worrying for what our future could be like, and we are just one of the many many industries that will be affected. Imagine... If no one will gather publicly anymore to celebrate fun and freedom, what hope do entertainers actually have? So all I'm asking is that before you cancel your flights, or sell your festival tickets just make sure you understand what the risks actually are... Maybe weigh that up and if you are still terrified and wanting to stay home. Please stream the crap out of our music! Big hugs ❤️ . . . #coronavirus #covid19 #dontpanic #coachella #sxsw #tomorrowland #tomorrowlandwinter #thoughts #music @coachella

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