Upclose with Mzansi's Sexiest calendar hottie Zizo Beda

Zizo Beda, the Selimathunzi presenter and former Miss SA teen, recently been included in the Top 12 Mzansi’s Sexiest calendar shortlist is the girl who laughs out loud (lol) atevery chance she gets - because that's who she is, the girl with the beaufitul, infectious laugh.

In a Q&A with Sowetan Live the 24 year old beauty shares her views about being viewed as ‘sexy.

Q: It's not the first time you were nominated for Mzansi's Sexiest.  How does it feel to be nominated again?

A: It came unexpectedly to be honest. Just because it isn't something I focus on whether people think I’m sexy or not but it is flattering so thank you to all the readers who voted for me again.

Q: Does it get stale to be nominated for one title over and over again?

This is actually more about the people who support my work, they put me here so as long as they support me I am very happy. I don't take their opinions and support for granted so no, it isn't stale.

Q: Is it appealing to be seen as sexy or not? Does it change who you are?

A: I have always focused on working really hard, respecting people I work with and giving my best each time. Everybody knows that I’m probably not the person to ask about trends etc but I do have fun with my fashion. If people feel that I’m sexy that's cool but I’m not waking up everyday saying okay I want to convince South Africans that I’m sexy. I believe people are more than the sum of their aesthetics.

Q:In your own words how would you define sexy?

A: I admire people who are confident in themselves, accepting that we come in different shapes and sizes. I admire someone who can embrace their curves no matter how big or small they are. I’m also going to add that I do notice nice hands. lol

Q: What makes Zizo sexy?

A: I am comfortable in both conservative and sexier clothes. I am confident in my body, it's truly African, small waist and booty to match, lol. More than all that though I am confident in my personality and that shows in a way someone carries themselves and helps complete the package.

Q: How do you keep yourself sexy?

A: Physically, my personal trainer, Mashaka Mamabolo! She is really amazing, supportive and sometimes she can also be a mean vampire that's when she's pushing me to my limits. Most days I love her though.

Q: What do you love about yourself the most?

A: I have a gift of making people comfortable around me. It's one of the best things about me, I’m super chilled.

Q: Besides Selimathunzi what else are you up too?

A: I am very involved in my community projects, the biggest being with Nashua Charity Children's Foundation. I work with Garnier in teaching people, especially school kids how to take care of themselves, the environment and others through the various outreach programmers they have. I volunteer for the South African National Blood Service which makes incredible efforts to collect blood that saves the lives of South Africans. I work hard as an event mc and voice over artist. I also work as an event media liaison. I consult with the marketing of Acionna Water - our family business that purifies and bottles water, we also can make customised labels for all water orders. I consult in organising pageants and does being a really great aunt count? lol, my niece and nephew are the coolest kids in the world!!

Q: Looking at the top six female contestants, are there any competition?

I am not in competition with anybody, let alone these ladies, when it comes to looks. In fact to each of them congratulations on your nomination! :)

  • NOTE: Zizo Beda had replaced Bonang Matheba in the the Top 12 Mzansi's Sexiest shortlist. Due to Bonang's unavailability, we are unable to bring you a 'Bonang calendar'. Zizo, the next sexy girl on the list will take her place on the calendar.

If you think Zizo Beda should be Mzansi's Sexiest Woman of 2014, click here to vote for her.

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