ANCYL leader asks why he is being 'singled out'

"How many people who are public representatives have trust funds for their wives and concubines? Why are you not asking them questions?"

DEFIANT ANC Youth League president Julius Malema says he is not intimidated and will not be shaken by any political storm.

"I am not afraid. I am wet already, why should I be afraid of the storm?" he asked.

Malema, who was speaking yesterday after the league's national executive committee meeting in Boksburg, Ekurhuleni, asked why he was the only target.

In what might lead to others being exposed in a similar fashion, Malema said he would not disclose details of the trust that has started the storm unless there was a court order that all public figures and representatives do the same.

The inference is that there are others in a similar position.

"Let all of us be subjected to scrutiny. Why me? People who have failed to engage us on economic freedom have resorted to monkey tricks and dirty tactics. How many people who are public representatives have trust funds for their wives and concubines? Why are you not asking them questions?" he said.

"I am not scared of jail. You will never arrest my ideas. Even if the Hawks, Scorpions or Sars were to lock me up, I would come back. I will speak about economic freedom even from jail. I will teach prisoners about the economic struggle," he said.

Malema said allegations that businesspeople paid him bribes through the trust to secure tenders were devoid of any truth.

"I have no problem to account to law enforcement agencies. The trust paid its taxes last year and is tax compliant. I live within my means. I can explain the life I live. It is not sponsored by thugs.

"More people have called. They want to contribute to the trust. From where I am, I am comfortable and do not need a bribe. I have never taken a bribe," Malema said.

He said people who have contributed to the trust were willing to come forward and explain.

"The trust received money from Good Samaritans who were approached to assist. People who donated for the church were paraded. It was never secret," he said.

He said if the trust was meant for bribes he would not have put the names of "my grandmother and only child. It is unthinkable that I could have compromised them".

He said the league would engage individual leaders of the ANC on the economic struggle, "from President Zuma and all other leaders".

Malema said since the departure of former president Thabo Mbeki, the league was concerned that there was a vacuum in pushing the African agenda.

"The latest developments in Libya show that there is no strong voice. In the past president Mbeki represented that agenda very well. During the attack on Iraq we knew where we stood.

"The African agenda is no longer represented since the departure of president Mbeki. There is a vacuum. As the ANC Youth League we cannot allow that vacuum," he said.

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