Man allegedly kills girlfriend over R50

Mbombela – Police have reported that a 26-year-old Mpumalanga man allegedly killed his girlfriend over R50.

The accused, Moses Langa, appeared in the Matsulu Magistrate's Court on Monday for a bail application.

Bail, was however, denied.

"According to information that we received, Langa and the deceased who has not been identified, were overheard having an argument over R50 when they were coming from a tavern at about 00:00 on October 30," said Matsulu police spokesperson Constable Nkomozakhe Khumalo outside court.

Khumalo said the woman was hit on the head with an iron pipe.

"Upon arrival at the crime scene, at Langa's house, the police established that the woman was already dead. Langa was arrested immediately and charged with murder,” said Khumalo.

Langa was remanded in custody until December 10 for further investigation.




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