Cosatu out strongly for Ramaphosa - Dlamini told to lead the campaign with energy

Cosatu delegates have instructed their president S'dumo Dlamini to lead the campaign for ANC deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa to succeed president Jacob Zuma.

Delegates tore into Dlamini during the four-day central executive committee (CEC) in Irene, south of Pretoria, accusing him of not carrying out the mandate given to him by the workers to pronounce on the federation decision that Ramaphosa should take over in December at the ANC's elective conference.

In particular, Democratic Nursing Organisation of SA (Denosa) Gauteng chairman Simphiwe Gada took exception that Dlamini was not publicly pronouncing the federation's decision on the ANC succession debate.

Gada told Dlamini at the meeting the federation resolved that Ramaphosa should succeed Zuma.

Ramaphosa says traditional leaders play a pivotal role in societyDeputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has highlighted the significance of traditional leaders in reshaping communities and providing guidance. 

"President S'dumo you were mandated to champion the agenda of comrade Jacob Zuma when he came in [2009] and you championed that programme with confidence," Gada said.

"And you made sure that mandate was realised by the workers.

"The same energy that was employed in making sure that president Zuma becomes the president must be the same energy that is employed to ensure that Ramaphosa becomes the president. You have all these workers behind you and you should not fear."

Dlamini had to endure delegates singing songs in praise of Ramaphosa.

This was in stark contrast to previous Cosatu gatherings when some delegates sang songs praising Zuma.

Dlamini is facing criticism in his own federation for attending Zuma's lavish birthday bash in Kliptown, Soweto, in April when Cosatu had taken a decision he must step down.

His apology for his "mistakes" is seen as a harbinger of the defeat of the Zuma faction in Cosatu.

Peter Bailey of National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) told Dlamini: "Now the mandate has been reaffirmed [that the] president of the federation leads that process. Lead it because you have almost two million workers behind you who have taken that decision [to back Ramaphosa].

"If you can't as president take that responsibility, please don't be ashamed to rise up and tell us so that we can look for alternative ways of articulating our views."

Communication Workers' Union president Clyde Mervin saidDlamini had corrected himself. "We have full confidence in Dlamini.

"But we are calling on all Cosatu national office bearers that they must come out very strong and decisive in supporting comrade Cyril Ramaphosa to be the next ANC president."

In his closing address, Dlamini said he was effectively joining the battle to unseat Zuma, but warned that there will be casualties. "I have got a sense that you are very sure of this battle, so I am in," he said.

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