EFF supporters march on East London businesses 'exploiting workers'

EFF flag.
EFF flag.

A number of leading businesses in East London were forced to shut their doors on Tuesday when EFF supporters marched to the premises protesting against alleged exploitation of workers by these companies.

The party‚ which is rallying support for its fifth birthday bash at Sisa Dukashe stadium on Saturday‚ warned that it was on a roll.

More businesses were to receive “visits” from the EFF protesters.

Videos of hundreds of raging people draped in EFF regalia singing and dancing in front of the businesses went viral on social media.

The demonstrations‚ which brought production to a standstill at some firms‚ came after workers from 35 East London companies filed complaints with the party led by firebrand Julius Malema‚ who has been whipping up support in the metro.

He promised Mdantsane supporters that he would continue being “unruly” until they had their service delivery demands met.

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