WATCH | Pravin Gordhan 'is a dog of white monopoly capital', says Julius Malema

EFF leader Julius Malema addressed the crowd late on Tuesday afternoon.
EFF leader Julius Malema addressed the crowd late on Tuesday afternoon.

EFF leader Julius Malema launched a stinging attack on public enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan, labelling him "corrupt" and "a dog of white monopoly capital".

"An attack on Pravin is an attack on white monopoly capital, Pravin is a dog of white monopoly capital, we must hit the dog until the owner comes out," Malema told a huge crowd of EFF members gathered outside the venue where Gordhan was testifying before the commission of inquiry into state capture. 

He said the relentless pursuit of Gordhan by the EFF was a means to show South Africa how rotten the ANC was.

Speaking from a makeshift stage on Tuesday, Malema also boasted to his supporters that he was the only (former) ANC politician who had never met the Guptas. 

"I have got nothing to hide, why (is it) the so corrupt Malema never met the Guptas?" Malema asked. 

He told supporters that "exposing” Gordon was tantamount to collapsing the ANC in its entirety. “Gordhan and Zuma, same WhatsApp group. The name of the WhatsApp group is ANC and Cyril Ramaphosa is the administrator. The ANC must fall.

"How can Pravin be part of the corrupt ANC and not be rotten himself? Why do you say the ANC is corrupt and then say Pravin and Cyril are different? They are the same," Malema said.

EFF members protest outside the state capture commission on Tuesday November 20 2018.
EFF members protest outside the state capture commission on Tuesday November 20 2018.
Image: Zimasa Matiwane

He claimed that Gordhan fought "dirty" but said the EFF was not afraid of him. 

“We are fighting, and there are no roses, in a war there is blood. We cannot go against Pravin and expect roses. Where we meet the enemy, we must crush the enemy. When the enemy raises its ugly head, don't hit the head, cut the head,” he said to raucous applause. 

Malema said Gordhan had questions to answer, alleging that the minister had a bank account in Canada and was supposedly planning to retire in the North American country. 

Gordhan has rubbished the attacks as a "fake news onslaught" saying all his interests had been declared to parliament. 

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