Dispute at ANC NEC meeting over premiership of North West

Some leaders of the ANC want to see North West premier Job Mokgoro returning to the position.
Some leaders of the ANC want to see North West premier Job Mokgoro returning to the position.
Image: Veli Nhlapo / Sowetan

A dispute over who should be the premier of the North West emerged at a special ANC national executive committee meeting on Monday as a proposal that the incumbent premier Job Mokgoro continue in his role was rejected. 

The NEC met to discuss who should be the premier in the eight provinces where the ANC got a majority after last week’s elections. 

In a statement issued late on Monday, party secretary-general Ace Magashule said talks were still ongoing. 

“Pertaining to the North West the premier candidate will be announced in due course following internal engagements,” he said. 

Over the weekend, a dispute emerged after ANC structures said the tentative leadership structure headed by two NEC members, Obed Bapela and Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, could not be in charge of determining who should be premier.

The ANC in the North West has been in disarray since the axing of former premier Supra Mahumapelo last year. The ANC dropped over 4% in the province. 

It is understood that it was argued in the NEC meeting that Mokgoro should be allowed to continue as premier as the province is still under administration in terms of Section 100 of the constitution. 

“The argument was that he must continue rebuilding and reorganising the provincial government,” a source said. 

Another source said that an argument for gender parity among premiers was raised and the provincial leadership was told to go back and consult and find a suitable woman candidate. 

So far, five of the seven agreed upon premier candidates were men. 

Other names considered for the position included MEC for local government in the province Motlalepula Ziphora Rosho as well as ANC head of elections Saliva Molapisi. 

The SACP in the North West confirmed that they reiterated the view that Mokgoro should remain premier. 

“The deployment of a new person will tamper with the reorganisation of the ANC and government,” said SACP provincial secretary Madoda Sambatha. 

ANC North West convenor Obed Bapela would not comment on the matter

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