Files dropped! Floyd Shivambu echoes Malema's claims on Zuma ousting

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu.
EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu.
Image: Times Media

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivambu has been dropping files on the dealings between the party and the ANC's Derek Hanekom.

EFF leader Julius Malema on Tuesday said Hanekom had met EFF members to discuss which ANC MPs would join the party's parliamentary vote of no confidence in Jacob Zuma. Hanekom has confirmed the meetings but said it was no secret. He said there was nothing wrong with members of different parties meeting each other.

Shivambu echoed Malema's sentiments that it was not just Hanekom involved in the "plan" but also SACP deputy secretary Solly Mapaila.

"As a matter of fact, it is public knowledge that the SACP adopted a decision openly calling on former president Zuma to resign or be recalled if he did not resign, and finally be removed from office through a motion of no confidence if he still did not resign after being recalled", said SACP spokesperson Alex Mashilo in a statement. 

Shivambu then took aim at Hanekom.

Hanekom, meanwhile, urged South Africans not to get "distracted".

In response to the claims, the ANC released a statement calling Hanekom a "wedge driver on a mission to divide the ANC".

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