David Makhura won't tolerate 'abuse' of police: We will respond with full force

Premier David Makhura.
Premier David Makhura.

Gauteng premier David Makhura has made it clear he will not tolerate attacks he says have been launched on police officers by foreigners.

Police were deployed to the Johannesburg city centre on Thursday to monitor a violent strike, as foreigners selling "counterfeit" goods resisted the confiscation of their products by police.

To defend themselves, police used rubber bullets to disperse the crowds, but Makhura says the situation should not have reached this point. 

"Some foreign nationals who sell counterfeit goods and occupy buildings illegally in the CBD attacked our police with bottles and petrol bombs. This despicable crime against our state will never be tolerated. #OkaeMolao will respond in full force to defend the rule of law," he said. 

Many also expressed concern about the country's lawlessness.

A riot broke out in Jo’burg CBD when police confiscated counterfeit goods from street vendors. Officers fired rubber bullets in an attempt to disperse the crowd. In retaliation, protestors pelted officers with bricks and bottles. Provincial police say officers ‘tactically withdrew’ from the operation to avoid being forced to use live ammunition.

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