Manhunt under way for two 'dangerous' escaped detainees

Police in Wolmaransstad are seeking two escaped detainees who are considered to be dangerous. File photo.
Police in Wolmaransstad are seeking two escaped detainees who are considered to be dangerous. File photo.
Image: 123RF/scanrail

Police in the North West have launched a manhunt for two awaiting-trial detainees who escaped from custody on Saturday.

Gomolemo Chacha, 24, and Ditshebi Eric Molaetsi, 28, were part of a group of eight detainees awaiting trial on charges of armed robbery, murder, burglary and domestic violence.

The group managed to overpower a police officer at the Wolmaransstad police station holding cells at about 4.20pm.

Six of the detainees were rearrested between Saturday and Sunday.

Police have urged community members not to confront the escapees but to rather call the nearest police station as they are considered to be dangerous.


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