Youth tired of lip service by the government, all they need to see is action

President Ramaphosa is flanked by the first 100 beneficiaries of the Youth Employment Service (YES). With him is Gauteng Premier David Makhura and Eskom chairman Jabu Mabuza.
President Ramaphosa is flanked by the first 100 beneficiaries of the Youth Employment Service (YES). With him is Gauteng Premier David Makhura and Eskom chairman Jabu Mabuza.
Image: Nomahlubi Jordaan

For the past few years in South Africa there has been youth indabas, youth stakeholder engagements, youth parliaments and youth summits in order to listen, adjudicate and address challenges young people are facing.

Moreover, young people participated in different commissions whereby different issues were deliberated and resolutions taken.

It is with great shock to learn that President Cyril Ramaphosa is also intending to host such gatherings this year for the purpose of listening to youth-related challenges. The awkward part is that during such gatherings, the government does not disclose what it has done with the previous youth commissions' resolutions.

The government should at least provide us with a brief summary of resolutions it took emanating from such previous gatherings.

The state lacks monitoring and evaluation. It is through monitoring and evaluation that the state will be able to inform us of challenges it has resolved. The state must also have reasonable timeframes. Young people are tired of lip service and deserve to see action. They no longer need youth indabas but action.

It can't be correct that every year the state convenes youth indabas and issues are raised but nothing is done to address them. Millions of rand are wasted by hosting such gatherings at hotels.

Mogau Victor Sebatana


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