DA has a baaskap mentality

The reader says the DA leader Mmusi Maimane behaves like a lapdog by supporting anything said by the 'baas'.
Mmusi Maimane The reader says the DA leader Mmusi Maimane behaves like a lapdog by supporting anything said by the 'baas'.
Image: Trevor Samson

The DA must never dictate to our president. If you decided to give the ANC the Scopa chairmanship in Western Cape, fine; nobody forced you to do so. Your baaskap mentality is abominable. Cyril Ramaphosa will apply his mind and give the Scopa chairmanship to a person he feels will do the job right. The DA's matric student seems to say things without first thinking. Then the leader of the party, like a lapdog, supports anything said by the baas. Hands off Ramaphosa. - Mr B, Diepkloof

SA teetering on the brink

I have a feeling that overseas countries do not want to lend money to SA because of the political situation in the country. Our government now borrows money from Government Employees Pension Fund without interest. SA will sooner or later be faced with sanctions. - Chopo

Alex residents have given up

Why didn't the people of Alex ask Ramaphosa when is he going to build houses he has promised them. They didn't because they are used to lies. - Anonymous

Blacks don't walk the talk

When I observe what is happening in SA, I concur with those who hold the view that blacks can't govern themselves. Instead, they talk too much and do nothing. They blame their failure and incompetence on whites. - Chopo

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