Mmusi Maimane should resign from DA

Mmusi Maimane allowed himself to be used to replace Lindiwe Mazibuko, forgetting the workers' solidarity slogan: an injury to one, is an injury to all, the writer says.
Mmusi Maimane allowed himself to be used to replace Lindiwe Mazibuko, forgetting the workers' solidarity slogan: an injury to one, is an injury to all, the writer says.

Greed is costly because it makes us blind. The only person you see is yourself and you become oblivious of others. We forget that it lasts for a while.

The driving engine behind all this, is the love of money. The largest and most revered world religion, Christianity, is not immune to it as well.

For a mere 30 pieces of silver, the head of the church, Jesus, was sold out by his inner circle friend and devout follower, Judas Iscariot.

This day, an economic opportunity, a job, a tender or money itself can drive a vulnerable person to betray his comrade-in-arms or murder his kinship.

It always comes as a shock when it happens, we can never get used to it. My heart breaks for the third time when I think of what is happening to Mmusi Maimane. And I hate to sing the common chorus in hindsight: "We told you so".

I must say I applaud Maimane for worming his way up to the leadership of a party one never dreamt of seeing a black person at its apex.

Former PAC Joe Seremane failed to achieve such a feat. Former DA leader Helen Zille engineered the rise of former DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko.

If my memory serves me well, Mazibuko's honours degree research paper was about Zille's leadership. Reflected glory's duration is tied to the whims of its originator.

Soon Mazibuko's familiarity waned and she was kicked out.

Maimane allowed himself to be used to replace Mazibuko, forgetting the workers' solidarity slogan: an injury to one, is an injury to all.

Maimane should do the honourable thing, resign and save himself from further humiliation.

Thami Zwane, Edenvale, Ekurhuleni

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