Trainers elated to benefit from promoters association’s donation

Boxing equipment presented to former two-time champ’s gym

07 September 2022 - 09:11
By Bongani Magasela
Trainer Silence Mabuza receives his equipment from Shereen Hunter and Bongani Dlamini of the Gauteng Boxing Promoters Association in Johannesburg.
Image: Antonio Muchave Trainer Silence Mabuza receives his equipment from Shereen Hunter and Bongani Dlamini of the Gauteng Boxing Promoters Association in Johannesburg.

For some time it seemed that boxing was a forgotten sport, living on only in the hearts and minds of the most dedicated supporters and legends of this sport.

With the “reawakening” of this exciting sport code, it is extremely encouraging to witness the support of the Gauteng Boxing Promoters Association (GBPA), which has put aside R32,000 to support trainers who are not fortunate to have the backing of the corporate world.

GBPA announced last week that it would help four gyms with vouchers of R8,000 each to purchase the equipment they need in their gyms. The two Gauteng recipients are Silence Mabuza and Lucky Ramagole. 

Mabuza is the former two-times IBO bantamweight champion, whose illustrious career was cut short by injury to his eyes in 2010, while Ramagole is also a retired pro boxer who hones the skills of fighters in Orlando.

Mabuza was elated when GPBA secretary Shereen Hunter and the association’s treasurer Bongani Dlamini presented him with his equipment yesterday. Dlamini said they were still waiting for the stock from manufacturers.

“Once everything is confirmed we will then head to Ramagole’s gym in Soweto,” he said. 

An elated Mabuza said: “Words cannot explain the gratitude we have as Mabuza Boxing Academy to receive such an honour from the Gauteng Promoters Association. This act of humanity has revived my love of the game, and has proven beyond doubt that we still have people that are not just speaking but walking the talk in making sure that our beautiful sport stays alive. It is not over until the last bell.”

Said Hunter: “We are happy to see the smile on Silence’s face and renewed hope; we know he will produce champions and make us all very proud. No world champion should have to beg for support when they are serving boxing – he deserves and has earned the help we have given him; hopefully things will only get better for him from here on.”

Mofu of the Ace Masters Academy which he said has attracted 105 children from Tolofiyeni Village spread amongst three sporting codes – boxing, netball and soccer – said: “I am very grateful to the Gauteng Promoters Association for their wonderful gesture and I am positive that more doors will be opened for us.”