OPINION | I'm going to gate-crash Mazwai's womxn's party

25 March 2018 - 13:11
By Amos Mananyetso
Image: Veli Nhlapo Thandiswa Mazwai

Thandiswa Mazwai is turning 42 at the end of the month. March 31, to be exact.

As many of us who have been following her work in recent years would have guessed, she will be celebrating it in a way that only she can.

King Tha Day is the theme of her celebration that will take the form of an artistic orgy of poetry, talks and music at Newtown Music Factory.

At the centre of all of this will be her continuation of her crusade to empower "womxn". Yes, WOMXN. Fantastic!

"I'm inviting my sisters to a women-only gig on my birthday in celebration of their resilience and strength," she said in an interview. "It is an attempt to strengthen the sisterhood and together imagine new worlds. We will come together in one space to celebrate our unique power."

That is where my problem starts. I am not only a fan of Thandiswa's work and artistic talents, she is also my closet crush. Yes, there I said it.

Organisers are adamant that ONLY women will be allowed. That is understandable as this is her birthday gig. But what about me and other men who would like to be part of the show; to quench our musical thirst with her magical exploits on stage while wiping away the guilt of doing little towards the emancipation and empowerment of women in this country?

What about male feminists who have been and are continuing to fight for equality? What if noble men such as Kabelo Chabalala, Mbuyiselo Botha and my good friend Matodzi Ludere want to be part of this celebration?

And besides, she only performs when she wants. So when there is a gathering where she will be tickling hidden corners in our souls that are rarely visited, we cannot help but rub our hands with glee.

Now this.

I therefore declare this as my formal protest letter. I am rejecting the plans put in place. I want to be there on March 31 and I know that many other well-meaning men would like to be there too.

"I have chosen to share my birthday with a room full of women to bask in their power and magic. On the night, we will create a Supernova: Our coming together may even create new galaxies, new worlds." continues Thandiswa in the publicity interview.

"Everyone on stage will be a womxn and all our vendors, the tech teams and venue staff will be womxn too." Now who wouldn't want to be part of what promises to be a rare and never-to-be-seen occasion?

Tickets are available for R250 on www.quicket.co.za.

I am buying a ticket and I am going, even if it means rocking up there in seven-inch stilettos just to look the part.

I am challenging all my friends and other males out there who share my sentiments to come through.

They won't throw us out, will they?

Let's go gents.