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Yes, you've voted for the actresses, now it's the actors' turn..

You see these actors everyday on your TV set. They make you laugh, they make you cry, they make you want to scream in frustration - but do they pull it off with great acting skills?

You tell us, who you think has the best acting skills from all the men on tv in South Africa - don't judge his looks.

We have uploaded some pictures for you to put the names to the faces. This is just a guideline, you can send us names that's not on our image gallery.

In a few weeks, we will cut them down to top 10, then take your votes for the best actress and actor and later reveal who you think are absolute winners.

Send your email to tellus@sowetan.co.za. Please try your best to send us the actual names, not the character names - as it would be easier to count votes.

We're still taking your votes to cut the top 10 actresses down to 1, so take a look at the image gallery of 10 actresses that you can vote for.. and send us your email.

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