A factory south of Durban is burning and four people have suffered smoke inhalation.
Image: ALS Paramedics
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Firefighters are working to extinguish a factory fire in Durban in which four people have suffered smoke inhalation.

The blaze broke out in a building in Clairwood, a semi-industrial area south of the city.

ALS Paramedics spokesperson Garrith Jamieson said they received several calls about the burning factory at about 1.30am.

“Paramedics arrived on the scene to find the fire department fighting the blaze,” he said.

“The fire is still active, though firefighters do have it under control. Four people have been treated for smoke inhalation after they helped to try to extinguish the blaze.”

Jamieson said the fire department and police will investigate the cause of the fire.

On Saturday firefighters battled a blaze at a tar manufacturing company in Hillary, west of Durban. The fire was contained after about three hours but it razed most of the building.

A month ago residents in Clairwood had to be evacuated after three diesel tankers at a local truck yard went up in flames.

According to sources with knowledge of the incident, it is suspected the fire was triggered by people burning copper wire near the yard.

It is understood about 11,000 litres of diesel in the trucks were lost.

Desmond D’Sa of the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance told TimesLIVE at the time fires were breaking out because there is no oversight.

“We don’t have an inspectorate going out to investigate and check whether companies are compliant with bylaws and laws. We have seen an increase in fires in the Clairwood area. The Transnet pipeline is an example. We’ve seen a resins company catch alight and the fire at UPL that happened during the looting last year,” he said.

Recently 13 people were injured when the China Emporium in central Durban caught alight and burnt for two days.

D’Sa said poor communities were mostly affected by the lack of proper emergency plans.


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