Former candidate for DA Leader, Mbali Ntuli.
Image: Gallo Images/Darren Stewart
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The DA has suffered another blow after the resignation of another prominent member and KwaZulu-Natal MPL Mbali Ntuli.

Ntuli made the announcement on Thursday morning via her Twitter account saying that she did not take the decision lightly but that it was one that was necessary for her own growth.

"I joined the DA when I was 19 and was organising on campus. From being an early young leader, to starting the Rhodes University chapter, building and leading the DA Youth and growing the party's presence across tertiary institutions and youth structures, I was able to interact with many young people of different backgrounds with the same dream for South Africa," she said.

Ntuli said the highlight of her time in the KZN legislature had been the number of rewarding campaigns that had brought awareness across education, social development and public works to name a few.

Revealing she has faced challenges within the DA, Ntuli said her colleagues knew the difficulties she had experienced in the party.

"In part because so many have played out in the public domain, but also because our party is not immune to gossip. I don't wish to rehash any of the challenges, which are publicly known and have been raised internally on numerous occasions.

"I have been forthright about instances where the DA has erred in its treatment of its members and the negative culture that is fostered within the organisation, my opposition of which informed part of my year-long campaign for DA leader in 2020," she said.

Ntuli joins an exodus of prominent black DA leaders such as former MP Phumzile van Damme and former Midvaal mayor Bongani Baloyi who have left the party in recent times.

Baloyi has since joined ActionSA led by former DA Joburg mayor Herman Mashaba.

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