Sibongumusa High School, where a grade 11 girl was allegedly raped by three fellow pupils on the premises last week.
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Three pupils from Swayimane, near Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal, appeared in New Hanover magistrate’s court on Monday for the alleged rape of a grade 11 schoolgirl.

The three — including two who are writing matric — from Sibongumusa High School in Swayimane, allegedly raped the 18-year-old on the premises on November 7.

A school governing body (SGB) member confirmed the incident but did not give details.

The pupil’s grandfather, who spoke to TimesLIVE on Tuesday, said the incident has left the family “broken”.

He said his granddaughter was taking extra lessons as she was preparing for exams.

“She told us that while she was at school, she was grabbed by three other learners and raped. Her mother was called to the school and they took the child to the hospital and reported the matter to the police. I don’t know what got into these children because they are young — two of them are in grade 12 while one is in grade 8,” he said.

Fighting tears, the grandfather said the teen had been to the hospital three times since.

He said the family was deeply hurt that the alleged attackers attended school and even wrote exams until their arrest on Sunday.

The grandfather said the education department told his granddaughter she could write her exams at another school.

“She can’t even go to the shop or step outside the house. She is always standing at the door and sometimes opens her books but you can see that she is dying inside. She is such a lovely child who respects everyone and loves playing with her friends and siblings. They took her childhood and crushed her.

“She is traumatised and it’s painful to see your child in such a manner. I can’t even sleep at night, I don’t want to even imagine how she is feeling. These boys didn’t respect my father’s home and it’s painful because they live close by,” he said.

The grandfather said his daughter, the mother of the pupil, had been crying every night after the incident.

He said two siblings, who also attend the school, were finding it difficult because of comments made about the incident.

Provincial education department spokesperson Muzi Mahlambi confirmed the matter.

He alleged the accused had also boasted about the incident on social media.

Mahlambi said a team of psychologists are available to provide support to the affected pupil.

A community member who spoke to TimesLIVE, said they are shocked at the incident.

“This is new to us and has never happened in the area before. This is a rural area and to have a girl raped inside a school is something we have never imagined,” he said.

Provincial police spokesperson Lt-Col Nqobile Gwala said charges of rape were opened at Wartburg station.

Gwala said three suspects aged between 16 and 21 were arrested and charged with rape.


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