The late Mboneli Vesele was the driver and bodyguard for the UFH VC Sakhela Buhlungu.
Image: Supplied
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A group of prominent South Africans is calling for action to be taken against looters and destroyers at the University of Fort Hare (UFH) after the killing of vice-chancellor Prof Sakhela Buhlungu's bodyguard, Mboneli Vesele.

Among them are the Rivonia Circle's Songezo Zibi, Advocate Vusumzi Pikoli and Mcebisi Jonas.

“No matter how powerful or otherwise connected, those behind this act of violence must be brought to account before the courts so that justice can be served,” their statement read.

“The value of Fort Hare’s heritage and survival is far too important to our nation to surrender to elements whose aim is to loot and destroy with impunity. We call upon South Africans from all walks of life to stand with Professor Buhlungu in his hour of need.”

The statement added that police ought to ensure that the investigation was given the attention it deserves.

Vesele's s death follows the hit last year on UFH’s fleet manager, Petrus Roets. He was taken out in his car at the Gonubie off-ramp outside East London.

The killers are still at large.

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“Current efforts to clean up its administration, to transform its academic culture and uplift its standards deserve the support of all South Africans," the group's statement said.

"Academics and administrators are public servants who should not need armed protection to perform their duties on behalf of the nation.”

Vesele was killed outside Buhlungu’s home at the Alice campus staff residence.

The group also called on government to ensure the safety of Buhlungu, his colleagues and family after the attempted hit that took out his bodyguard instead.



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