Sungazer lizards (Smaug giganteus) were part of the consignment to be delivered by PostNet to KZN. The senders were arrested when they arrived at the branch to look for a snake that may have escaped from one of the packages.
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Two men arrested after they allegedly attempted to smuggle live reptiles to KwaZulu-Natal via PostNet in Pretoria will return to court next month.

Barend Coetzee, 28, and Xander Aylward, 19, appeared in the Cullinan district court on February 10 on charges of illegal possession and the transport and illegal trade in species listed in the threatened or protected species regulations under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act.

Forestry, fisheries and environment departmental spokesperson Albi Modise said inspectors, known as the Green Scorpions, confiscated a number of reptiles packaged to be couriered to KwaZulu-Natal.

“The parcel confiscated on February 8 contained sungazer lizards and a venomous cobra as well as another type of girdled lizard and two indigenous skinks.

“After the arrest of the men at the PostNet branch in Pretoria, their home was searched by the Green Scorpions, supported by the police K9 unit. A total of 19 reptiles and amphibians were seized. These included African bull frogs and an African rock python, which are listed in the threatened or protected species list.

“Other reptiles found on the premises are listed in terms of the Gauteng provincial nature conservation ordinance,” said Modise.

The South African Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre told TimesLIVE on Thursday the reptiles were kept at an undisclosed location after the confiscation.


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