Warrant Officer Piet Mdi who died in an accident along with Free State education MEC Tate Makgoe on Sunday morning had worked in security services for more than 20 years.
Image: SAPS
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 W/O Piet Mdi, who died in an accident along with Free State education MEC Tate Makgoe on Sunday morning, had worked in security services for more than 20 years.

Mdi died after the car he was travelling in with Makgoe and the driver collided with three cows on the N1 outside Winburg, a small mixed-farming town in the Free State, at about 12.30am. Mdi and Makgoe died at the scene while the driver escaped with injuries. 

National police spokesperson Brig Athlenda Mathe said Mdi

, 50, was born and bred in Mangaung, Free State, and started working in government in 1996.

She said Mdi worked for the SA National Defence Force from 1996 to 2007 and was later absorbed into the SA Police Services within the protection security services division where he served as a static protector.

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Mdi was later moved to the in-transit VIP protection security services where he served as a close protector to Makgoe from 2010 until his death.

Mathe said the driver of the car has been identified as W/O Richard Nkopane, who is in a critical condition in hospital.

Acting national police commissioner Lt-Gen Tebello Mosikili sent her condolences to Mdi’s family, friends and colleagues, and wished Nkopane a speedy recovery.

“The death of Warrant Officer Mdi is a great blow to the protection and security services division and the SAPS at large. He has been described by his immediate commander as a quiet, dedicated, committed and disciplined member.

"We have mobilised our employee health and wellness experts to provide psychosocial services to the family and colleagues of the deceased member. We are also wishing Warrant Officer Nkopane who is in a critical condition a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are also with his family,’’ said Mosikili. 

Mathe said announcements on the memorial and funeral services will be communicated in due course.


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