The officers were confronted in Umlazi, south of Durban. File photo.
Image: Elvis Ntombela
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Three police officers were on Friday sentenced to four years of direct imprisonment by the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court for corruption.

This follows an incident in 2016 during a stop-and-search operation in Mabopane, north of Pretoria. 

Johannes Tebogo Mpete, 39, Lesiba Richard Mapela, 43, and Matsobane Victor Kwanaite, 41, were arrested in 2021 at their place of employment.  

According to National Prosecuting Authority’s regional spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana, the police officers stopped the vehicle of the complainant while conducting an operation in Mabopane. 

“While searching the car, they found a white powdery substance and requested the complainant to pay an amount of R5,000 to avoid being arrested. The complainant was driven to Marula Shopping Centre, where he withdrew and handed over an amount of R3,000 [to them],” said Mahanjana. 

She added that Kwanaite then gave the complainant his number so they could remain in contact to ensure the balance was paid. 

“The complainant reported the matter [to the police] and after investigation, all three police officers were arrested at their place of employment in 2021. The accused officials pleaded not guilty but after their conviction Mpete asked the court to hand him a whole suspended sentence, while Mapela and Kwanaite asked for correctional supervision,” Mahanjana explained. 

However, in aggravation of sentence, Mahanjana said state prosecutor Adv Willem van Zyl told the court that, “for the fact that they are police officers they had the responsibility to uphold the law and not break it, and their actions were not done at the spur of the moment but that their actions were planned”. 

“He further added that they had ample time to reconsider but they did not. Therefore, he asked the court to impose a sentence of direct imprisonment,” added Mahanjana. 

While delivering his sentence, the magistrate said the offence committed was serious and that there was an outcry in society against corruption. 

“He said that the carelessness of their conduct reflects that they harbour no appreciation for the responsibilities that are bestowed on them as police officers and dishonour what a police officer should stand for in society,” said Mahanjana. 

Mahanjana said the magistrate further added that “due to the incident, the complainant has been traumatised and lives in utter fear and has lost all trust in the police”. 

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