An unwise move has left a man with a criminal record and a fine to pay off in monthly instalments. File photo.
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A man who was injured in a fall at his home while intoxicated thought he could score by claiming from the Road Accident Fund (RAF), claiming to be the victim of a hit-and-run.

The unwise move has left him with a criminal record and a fine to pay off in monthly instalments.

Mzwandile Patrick Msutwana, 56, was sentenced for RAF fraud in the Gqeberha new law court on Thursday.

Hawks spokesperson Capt Yolisa Mgolodela said Msutwana, through his lawyers, lodged a claim of more than R2.2m with the RAF in June last year. He claimed he was walking when he was hit by an unknown vehicle in New Brighton.

The forensic investigation division of the RAF picked up red flags from the claim and the case was referred to the serious corruption investigation team of the Hawks.

Their investigations uncovered hospital records from the Dora Nginza and Livingstone hospitals stating "he was injured at his house when he fell as a result of being intoxicated".

Msutwana was given a R100,000 fine, of which half was suspended for three years.

Arrangements were made for him to pay R3,000 on the day of sentencing, followed by monthly instalments of R1,000.


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