The CRL Commission has appealed to law enforcement agencies to urgently investigate and bring to book all the perpetrators of deaths at the initiation schools in the Eastern Cape. File photo.
Image: Leon Sadiki
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Chair of the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities, Prof David Mosoma, has appealed to law enforcement agencies to investigate and bring to book all the perpetrators responsible for the deaths at the initiation schools in the Eastern Cape. 

He made this call on Tuesday after it was revealed that the death toll during the summer initiation season in the province has surged to 28.

The commission  said it will convene in January to consider appropriate actions to end the deaths of the initiates in the province.

"The commission hangs its head in deep pain and sorrow at the unnecessary and senseless deaths of the initiates in the Eastern Cape."

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It said there was a crisis of accountability and disregard of the rule of law and bringing into disrepute the cultural practice of initiation in the province.  

"Prior to the winter initiation season this year, the commission convened an initiation indaba, where the relevant stakeholders were in attendance.  

"Far-reaching resolutions were taken to curb and end the deaths of the initiates based on the principle of zero deaths, unfortunately nothing significant has changed because strategy after strategy has not moved the needle of deaths to zero."

The commission said in terms of the Customary Initiation Act, traditional leaders are responsible for initiation schools in their respective jurisdictions, thereby making them accountable for safe initiation practices.

"For this reason, failure to protect the initiates under their care is a violation of the act, especially section 20 (c), which states in effect that the traditional leaders must 'promote good and safe practices, with specific emphasis on the protection of the lives, health and safety of the initiates'."  

It said traditional leaders must be held to account for opening initiation schools and failure to enforce compliance with the act as well as the resolutions of the commission. 

"If crime is found to have been committed in the act of initiation, and those who shot and killed the initiates, long sentences should be handed down as a deterrent for their crime, negligence, and or botched circumcision and penile amputations.” 


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