A man was arrested for possession of stolen property (galvanised zinc) believed to have been stolen from Usindiso Building at Frederick street in Marshalltown.
Image: Supplied: JMPD
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A man has been arrested for stripping metal sheeting from the burnt Usindiso building on the corner of Frederick and Delvers streets in Marshalltown, Johannesburg.

On August 31, 77 people died when the hijacked former shelter for women and children caught fire. The hazardous building had become home to more than 100 people, many of whom were foreign nationals.

Joburg metropolitan police department (JMPD) spokesperson Xolani Fihla said since the fire, JMPD officers had been assigned to patrol the area after reports of vandalism and people attempting to reoccupy the building.

During patrols at about 1am on Monday, officers came across a man carrying galvanised zinc sheeting on his head just a few metres from the building.

“He was arrested for possession of the galvanised zinc suspected to have been stolen from Usindiso building.” 

Fihla said the man was detained at Johannesburg Central police station and charged with possession of stolen property.


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