The bodies of two people who were gruesomely killed were discovered in Mpumalanga on Saturday morning.
Image: X/@SAPoliceService
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The burnt remains of two people were found in a charred vehicle in Masoyi, Mpumalanga, on Saturday.

According to Mpumalanga police, residents of Nhlalakahle Trust spotted two male bodies in the vehicle in the morning, spokesperson Brig Selvy Mohlala said.

Police were called to the scene and on arrival, found one of the deceased lying outside the vehicle. The second body was found inside the burnt vehicle, Mohlala said.

“The victims, aged 36 and 39, were certified dead by paramedics at the scene. Police have instituted an investigation into who might have been involved in the gruesome murders,” he said.

It is suspected the victims were murdered after allegations of stock theft in the area.

Anyone with information is urged to report to the nearest police station.

Mpumalanga police commissioner Lt-Gen Semakaleng Daphney Manamela condemned residents taking the law into their own hands.

“Vigilantism will never be a solution to crime and we urge communities to work hand-in-hand with us on issues of crime. One cannot correct a wrong act with another act of crime,” Manamela said.


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