The people have spoken.
Image: Sowetan
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Employment, eradication of crime, equality and access to land are top of mind for some citizens, who shared their motivation to cast their votes in the 2024 elections.

Sowetan journalists Noxolo Sibiya, Koena Mashale and Herman Moloi took to the streets to hear what the people have to say about what swayed their vote in these elections or why they opted to sit this one out.

Nick Grace, 47

I am going to vote for RiseMzansi. I trust Songezo Zibi and his credentials. He is young and will bring us innovative ideas on youth unemployed and inequality – those are top of my agenda.

Thabo Tladi, 34 

I live in the streets and I won’t vote. While Nelson Mandela fought for this freedom, I feel that I am now a forgotten person with no employment and no home. More undocumented nationals have jobs and I have no home.

Tumelo Machaba, 20

Young people have the power. I want safer streets, lower crime and higher employment. The party I am going to vote for speaks very hard against crime.

Jaydene Adams, 19

I am not going to vote. None of the parties have practical solutions to the problems faced in the country. They are just trying to lure us using rhetoric. I am withholding my vote.

Mbali Mabena, 19

I am not voting because I didn’t know who to pick. Political parties start becoming visible during elections but the work on the ground is not done. They are selling us dreams.

Sibusiso Masilo, 35

As young business in person I have found it hard to secure funding from private instituions like banks to grow my business. Black people don’t have land, we face a lot of prejiduce from lending institutions. The party I will vote for has been doing work fighting such injustices.

Dominic Khumalo, 32

I spent six hours in a queue at home affairs department to make sure that I vote. My vote is demarcated into two. Nationally I will vote for a party that has proven itself to deal decisively with racism. This political party will come up with radical transformation, not just economically, but the social transformation of the country. Provincially, I will vote for a party that gets the work done.

Frank Mbezi, 65

The party I will vote for promised R4,000 old age grant, so I want it.

Pfarelo Mugwena, 46

When I was 19 I applied for an RDP house until today, I do not have it. I am going to vote for a man who keeps his word and whose ground forces have been in and out of communities cleaning up and trying to eradicate illegal activities. During his administration people got permanent jobs in Johannesburg. [Herman] Mashaba has my vote.

" I spent six hours in a queue at home affairs department to make sure that I vote "
- Dominic Khumalo, 32
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Tebatso Phasha, 31

Even though I am 31yearsold this will be my first time voting. I was never convinced by politics then. Now options are many. This party that I will vote for has spoken out against corruption and promises to create employment.

Lackie Motha, 35

I am an artist now working as a car guard. I do poetry, music and film writing but I’m still unknown. The party I will vote for has spoken about the upliftment of artists and creating more opportunities for people like me to be seen and heard.

Betty Letsholo, 57

I want an end to crime. This party speaks hard on that.

Tidimalo Marumo, 37

I will vote for the party that made sure that I have a job today. This party made sure that my sister has an internship which will upskill her and increase her chances of employment.

Warona Motloenya, 20

This will be my first time voting. This party I am voting for has shown potential. They just need to pull up their socks in the Free State because the roads there are riddled with potholes.

Bekezela Gabela, 26

I don’t know if I will be able to vote tomorrow [today] because of work but if I do end up finding the time, I want to be able to have a secure job because unemployment is high but my current job is temporary.  The party I am voting for has assured and proven even though slow that they can secure jobs for us with programmes.  

Jan Van Vollhovea, 23

I will vote for a safer SA. I want to be safe and the party has shown and continues to push for that so I would be voting for that kind of change.   

Lynn Lee, 37

I am voting for a party that securers the health and care for senior citizens because they are often forgotten are left to fend for themselves. 

Pharoah Mthokozisi Ndlovu, 40

I am voting for a job. I’m struggling to make ends meet and secure finance for my family. It’s painful every month to worry about having enough money. I want more jobs and better ones and this party said they would do it.   

Junior Munyai, 24

ANC is a family brand. My mom is for it and my father has political ties to it. I’m voting out of loyalty and honestly, it’s a safe choice for me personally. 

Libahadikazi Mkize, 27

Honestly it’s about trial and error, anyone but ANC at this point because with them it’s just been a mess after a mess and it’s time for someone else to try. 

Johan Koster, 33

I want a country or government that is running efficiently. I have been voting for the DA for the past years because they just run things well and I have my child and wife in Cape Town and the streets there are clean. I just want it to be like that everywhere else.  

Morena Motseki, 21

I want to feel safe, I will be voting for this party because of the feeling to safety and knowing I won’t get mugged or killed for my phone.  

Biopelo Mabotja, 24

This party just aligns with my values, always doing the right thing for the people and holding people accountable. I also like it for the fact that they’re open to all regardless of nationality.

Sinegugu Madiba, 27 

I will be voting for the party that is actually constantly on the ground and tackles issues head on especially with regards to service delivery like basic waste removal. We can’t always be crying for the same thing that is basic. 

Mpho Mohulatsi, 67 

I will be voting and the reason being that they have been doing a good job and they may not be perfect but they have done a lot from where we started. The services are good in my area but they could do better in regards to workplace equality then it would be fine. 

Lebogang Mofolo, 57

I want the party I’m voting for to just solve crime issue. It’s the biggest problem and there’s always someone dying or something stolen. They must just fix the crime and that’s why I am voting for this party, they are always speaking about this. 

Maureen Mabuza, 29

I will be voting because this party is always advocating for equality. We are still segregated and especially financially and that needs to change. I want equality in every way.

" I am voting for a job. I’m struggling to make ends meet and secure finance for my family "
- Pharoah Mthokozisi Ndlovu, 40

Busisiwe Padi, 51

I am voting because I am scared. I don’t know which party to vote for but I am voting because what if I don’t and my vote would have made a difference in some sort of way. Voting is security.  

Philemon Aphane, 51

When I am comparing things from back then to now there is little change in fact it almost seems as if we have gone backwards. Our infrastructure is dilapidated and everything is falling and crumbling. I am not going to vote for loyalty but for the better. Our infrastructure cannot be cracking while we watch.

Miza Emma, 61

Drugs are a problem in the community, ruining the lives of these kids and I need that nonsense gone because families are torn apart and ruined because of drugs on the streets. I am voting because this needs to be fixed.

Thando Morwane, 35

I am voting because I want to know that my children will not be put in danger every time they leave for the school or they just play outside the house that I am scared for them. I want safety. 

Mxolisi Sibanda, 27  

The coming government should use my tax money to invest more in infrastructure development, such as building more schools, public health-care facilities, roads and manufacturing facilities. By doing this, they will address some of the socioeconomic problems such as crime and poverty. I would also like to see our next government paying special attention to our dilapidating water infrastructure, which could pose a serious issue in the future.

Thulani Hadebe, 41

I will be voting for a party will help us with insurance for small businesses as we are still recovering from the devastation caused by Covid-19. This insurance will help small entrepreneurs to maintain their lives and keep their businesses.

So a platform like insurance for small businesses will help during times like that; we can even pay a monthly fee. 

Nono Kupa, 39

I am registered to vote and I wish the next administration would build stalls for us because when it is raining or there’s wind, our gazebo get damaged so we buy them now and then. I wish the next government would also help with funds so that our business grows and we hire people to address the issue of unemployment. . 

 Amanda Tseole, 21 

They should remove that requirement of years of experience in job posts because this is the reason youth cannot secure jobs, leading to poverty.

Gino Lekitlane, 23 

I studied journalism at the University of Johannesburg and I hope the next government creates internships for young people to obtain skills. I hopes the new administration will deliver services to the people. I’m originally from QwaQwa in the Free State and there has not been water in some parts of the area for years. The electricity has not been consistent for years while the roads are very bad.

Pholoso Mokome, 27

I am first time voter and I don’t know which party to vote for but when I get there I will vote for a party that represents the needs of the black masses. A party that promotes free education and equality. The feeling is exciting and I can’t wait. I’m happy that my voice will finally make a difference in the country.

Promise Mkhize, 48

I’m very happy that I will be voting. I hope the party I vote for continues to create job opportunities for people. I hope they continue to give old people grant money because it helps them buy food and medication. I hope it fights crime because every day we hear of hijackings and killings. 

Bokang Mokoena, 20

I’m going to vote because I’m excited. I hope the government that I choose cuts the salaries of ministers and president so that they can channel those fund to youth development programmes. I haven’t decided which party I will vote for as it will be my first time but I have identified a few. I will make a decision when I get hold of that ballot paper. 

Sipho Kabini, 34

I will be voting and the party I’m voting for is the party that has done mistakes in the party but I want to give it more power so that it can continue to give more grant money and create job opportunity for young people.

Shadrack Mnguni, 44

I will be voting for continuation of freedom because in the past black people were prohibited from doing certain thing or from going to certain places and now we can. I will continue to vote for that party that continues to maintain the freedom we are celebrating today. 

Happy Chauke, 28

I will be voting for safety and a party that will bring out a change and a fight against crime while they improve our lives.

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