It is alleged a 75-year-old man bumped into one of the suspects who then hit him with his crutches. The suspect's companion allegedly joined his friend and they both assaulted the victim.
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Two pensioners aged 92 and 75 have been charged for murder after they allegedly clubbed an 80-year-old man to death with their crutches at the old age home they all live in.

Allegations are that Jeremiah Mmatli, 75, and Daniel Madumo, 92, beat  80-year-old Godfrey Thema Motsepe to death because they mistook him for an intruder at Ipeleng Bagodi Old Age home in Jericho near Rustenburg.

They appeared at the Brits Magistrates’ Court on Monday where they were charged for Motsepe’s murder.

Spokesperson for the North West police Capt Amanda Funani said allegations are that on Thursday at around 4am, Motsepe woke up to go to the toilet.

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When he returned, both Mmatli and Madumo were also on their way to the toilet. As it was still dark because the lights had not been switched on, Motsepe allegedly bumped into one of them.

Funani said the two men then started attacking Motsepe with their crutches.

It is not yet known just how long the two beat Motsepe but by the time other residents called the police and the owner after finding the elderly man on the floor crying in pain, it was already late.

“Other residents stopped them but it was already late. He was badly injured,” Funani said.

Motsepe, who had sustained serious injuries, died on his way to hospital.

According to Funani, the men said they had attacked Motsepe as they thought he was an intruder.

North West police commissioner Lt-Gen Sello Kwena said he was shocked by the incident and conveyed his condolences to the family of the victim.

Mmatli and Madumo are expected back in court on June 7 for bail.

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