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“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveller.”

“History is the story of events, with praise or blame.”

“History is the study of all the worlds crime.”

“History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”

We do not have a caring government and this government has displayed with arrogance that it does not have respect for black people of this country, and showed Africa and the world how much they worship the white man.

The spirits of the Azanian Peoples Organisation (Azapo) and Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) are being yearned for in this country today more than the 29 years of blank promises of the ANC. It was the spirit of the two organisations and loyal, disciplined leaders who carried us during difficult times of apartheid.

“Black man, you are on your own.” We need these two organisations to come back and revive the struggle of the black man indeed.

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The government is misusing taxpayers money to sponsor English football side Tottenham Hotspur with R1bn. If we dont see this as worshipping a white man, then what is it? Has Tottenham Hotspur voted for the ANC?

Time has come to tell the ANC to go and ask Spurs to vote for them. The ANC, with all the problems and crisis they put this country in, have the nerve to give Spurs R1bn. You cannot drive around without seeing potholes, theres also loadshedding, people dont have houses, clean running water and the unemployment rate is high. You still take R1bn to an English side that will not even benefit generations to come.

How does the ANC explain that? When it comes to public servants we are always told there is no money. Public servants havent received a decent increase for the past few years. This government will be back soon, lying to us, sourcing for votes.

Black man, you are on your own. Either we revolt and tell the ANC that enough is enough  or we allow this country to go the dogs. The ball is in our court.

Tholang Skhosana oa Mokoena Pali, Crystal Park, Benoni 

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