The ANC flag. File photo.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba
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We fully understand our peoples frustration regarding the challenges were facing in SA, however, second thought is vital. We can see how bad our police service is, they have lost the war against crime and corruption in our government is worse.

But what our people, especially black people, need to know before we think of voting the ANC out is how many black people living with HIV/Aids are getting free ARVs?

Those who live with chronic diseases like, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, cancer etc, which political party can provide free medication to all these just to save black lives?

More than 96% of black students at South African Universities are funded by the ANCs NSFAS, Im just trying to remind our brothers and sisters about the pressure under which the ANC is functioning.

Julius Malema has no clue of the direction he is going. He says all undocumented foreign nationals are Africans and need to be equal to South Africans. Where is he going to get money to cater for them? VBS bank has gone down and he isnt talking about it.

The DA will never in a million years take care of black people. They complain about cadre deployment, forgetting that during apartheid there were job reservations for whites, which, according to my knowledge, is the same as cadre deployment.

Amos Motloding, Jamela Village, Limpopo

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