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Glossy adverts by liquor chains and retailers are shoved in our faces on a daily basis, as we get closer to the Christmas season.

Addiction in a bottle, made to look attractive to weak-willed human beings, so that they can drink themselves into an alcoholic daze. Just yesterday, an inebriated driver got onto the highway near Bedfordview in Johannesburg, travelling the wrong way, in the process killing two and injuring other innocents.

Liquor companies glorify their products, by presenting them in exquisite bottles and other types of packaging. In the process they are adding value to the decay of the feeblest humans, and society in general.

There is an understated alcoholic use problem in this country yet the government turns a blind eye, as taxes derived from alcohol sales add to the  country’s revenue.

Wise up fools, stop encouraging alcohol use.

Peter Bachtis, Benoni 

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