A Boeing 737 Max aircraft during a display at the Farnborough International Airshow, in Farnborough, Britain.
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The pace of cost-cutting at Boeing and lapses in quality control are critical factors that have led to serious crises at Boeing – costing hundreds of lives and putting in jeopardy the lives of millions of passengers.

The 737 is a superb workhorse that carries millions of passengers every day. Issues will continue to plague the Boeing series of aircraft because critical quality control measures and the supply of parts from more than 50,000 global suppliers evade quality analysis due to overwhelming production schedules.

Safety, which was a core value at Boeing, is now in serious doubt. The cosy relationship between Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration, has led to the concealment factor, where critical factors are underplayed by both parties. This unholy alliance is a threat to global aviation safety.

Farouk Araie, Johannesburg

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