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The ANC is throwing the kitchen sink to fool you – do not fall for it.

After signing away medical aid, the ANC has now promised to implement “a basic income grant within two years”, as we head to the polls on Wednesday. While half our households already live on welfare, the ANC wants to squeeze our ever-shrinking tax base even further. 

I’ve also been amazed by the large batch of legislation our parliament has passed in the past fortnight – suddenly after five years of a hollowed "do-nothing" parliament. Also, all of sudden, the lights are on, after the worst blackouts on record last year? Do not fall for it. Do not be manipulated and lied to further.

A very serious choice is before us on Wednesday. The ANC will and must lose its majority. Personally, I am going with the DA, who’ve robustly held the ANC to account and have sensible proposals. Let us please do what's right for our future and out of respect for our country.


  • Emmanuel, Tshwane
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