Shake off despair and let us count our blessings

I FEEL the only stumbling block to the maximum development of this beautiful country, perched on the southern tip of the African continent, is self-hate.

I have always observed and believed that all of us, yellow, powder blue and semi-sweet pink, were and continue to be victims of oppression and segregation equally.

What discrimination does is create a false and distorted picture of both the intended victim and the perpetrator.

The whole world marvels at the great accomplishments we have recorded historically, one after the other, yet we are not unified in celebrating and collectively owning the glory that comes with such accolades.

For some strange reason we are astounded every time we outdo ourselves in any task that is placed before us.

I think this country needs an urgent re-awakening before the superior being punishes us for lack of self-appreciation, for lack of a better term.

Most recently our scientists announced at the Aids conference in Austria, a remarkable report on the progress made in developing a vaginal gel that will protect women against contracting the dreaded HI virus.

As I have correctly predicted, there is more immune boosting news to follow in this scientific field as we march closer to acquiring - excuse the pun - a permanent solution for HIV and Aids.

So there is no need for this negativism.

Cynicism is vexatious to the spirit. It serves absolutely no useful purpose except to bring other people down.

Most devastatingly, it actually demoralises and separates us even further.

As South Africans from all walks of life, from every corner of the country, we have to rise above our pettiness.

We should stop being spoilt brats and begin to appreciate the true blessings and miracles that have been bestowed on each one of us.

Let us be cheerful and take things a bit easy.

Let's take a chill pill, so to speak. Life itself is too damn serious to begin to compete with it.

After all, love is universal, it knows no boundaries. It is not selfish and it does not bear a record of wrongs.

With all the challenges that continue to pierce our consciences, we are still the most beautiful nation.

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