Stars 1208

12 August 2010 - 09:54
By Sowetan

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

Reminiscing about old times might make you sad during what could be a nostalgic time for you. Certain memories are sure to surface; and your vision of an ex-companion's face may render you somewhat misty-eyed and also quite dreamy. (PHONE 083-914-0501)

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Attend to your duties and responsibilities, including accounts and correspondence. Clear reasoning should enable you to cover a lot of ground in your efforts to discharge and reduce the number of things putting you under pressure. (PHONE 083-914-0502)

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

You may fall foul of authority at this point but must resist the urge to make a defiant gesture, as it will rebound on you. Bide your time until circumstances improve and your intuition gives you the signal to renew your battle or cause. (PHONE 083-914-0503)

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

This is a session in which you might be ill-used by an unscrupulous sort unless you put up a stronger front. Especially guard against being played off against another person by a third party who plans to gain by stymieing both of you. (PHONE 083-914-0504)

LEO: July 23 - Aug 24

Bear in mind the necessity of habitually treating yourself to some serene and untroubled hours. In a world that is seemingly constantly in a rush, you must know when to hurry and when to linger. (PHONE 083-914-0505)

VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23

Nothing less than a persistent effort will enable you to achieve your personal objective. However, you should not confuse determination with impulsiveness - need to keep a cool head so as to reason shrewdly and get the desired result. (PHONE 083-914-0506)

LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23

Practise thrift in order to establish financial security. Improved management of your resources is desirable and you will easily discover ways and means by which you can be more economical. (PHONE 083-914-0507)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23

Self-consciousness might suddenly wash over you, and could hold you back from actions which you really need to take. You may miss a super opportunity to do well in your chosen undertaking unless you are able to overcome this handicap. (PHONE 083-914-0508)

SAGITTARIUS: Nov 23 - Dec 22

As this happens to be a somewhat inharmonious session with regard to domestic affairs, you are urged not to press sensitive matters too far. Exercise patience in the meanwhile and reserve your questions for a more appropriate time. (PHONE 083-914-0509)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21

An encounter with somebody who is entirely new to you could leave you with an unpleasant after-taste, so to say. The experience should help you to realise that it is foolhardy to rashly place your confidence in complete strangers. (PHONE 083-914-0510)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20

The constant sight of your workplace could seriously depress you unless you can transport yourself to new and interesting scenes now and again. Begin or at least plan a journey forthwith as it is sure to prove highly rejuvenating. (PHONE 083-914-0511)

PISCES: Feb 20 - March 21

Yet again you have to be extra alert or you will fall victim to crafty deception by somebody you now know to be shrewd and cunning from a past and costly encounter. In yet another instance. (PHONE 083-914-0512)