Robin Wright: Hollywood stars are 'well-paid zoo animals'

Robin Wright
Robin Wright

Robin Wright has hit out at the current celebrity culture, insisting today's big Hollywood stars are nothing but ''well-paid animals in a zoo''.

The 48-year-old star - who has appeared in big movies such as 'Forrest Gump' and 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - has hit out at today's celebrity culture because she believes it is turning stars into ''commodities''. She said: ''For actors in Hollywood, it's very straightforward.

We're well-paid animals in a zoo. And if you agree to play the dog-and-pony show, and smile on the red carpet, and show up at every f***ing envelope that's opened, then you can become a celebrity and become a commodity. ''But if you choose not to do that, you are seen as not bankable.'' Following her success in movies such as cult film 'Forrest Gump' - in which she played Tom Hanks' on-screen wife Jenny - Robin became a household name but she believes she didn't go on to achieve such high acclaim as some of her fellow female actresses at the time because she turned down so many films.

The actress - who has sons Dylan Frances Penn, 23, and Hopper Penn, 21, with ex-husband Sean Penn - added to The Guardian newspaper: ''Oh yeah, they wanted to make me America's sweetheart. ''They wanted to make me the next big ingénue, the studio bosses behind the curtain. But what happened was that I turned down a lot of movies that simply didn't blow my dress up. Plus I was too busy being a mom at the time.''

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