Serial rape trial of duo postponed

THE trial of two alleged Vaal serial rapists was yesterday postponed to next week by the Vereeniging Circuit Court, when a forensic analyst is scheduled to testify against them.

The accused are Stephen Galubetse, 34, and Bongani Madlala, 36.

The expert is expected to give evidence on DNA samples which allegedly link Galubetse and Madlala to some of the 55 counts of rape they are facing.

Warrant Officer Swasti Gurie testified last week that DNA samples taken from the two men had linked them to the offences. She explained the process of linking a suspect to a sexual offence through DNA.

She said in some of her findings one of the two suspects was positively linked while the other suspect was excluded.

"A human being's DNA has nine regions and the tenth region is the gender of that person. If one region does not match the eight regions of the DNA, we give the suspect the benefit of the doubt. However, that does not mean the person is not involved in the offence."

She has testified in cases where there is more than one contributor of DNA, the results of which are mixed because of two different body fluids that matched both the accused.

Galubetse and Madlala have pleaded not guilty to rape, 26 counts of armed robbery, 27 of kidnapping and possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

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