Police union asks for inquiry

18 April 2012 - 16:07
By Sapa

The SA Policing Union (Sapu) has called for the establishment of a judicial commission of inquiry into the SA Police Service.

“To say we are disturbed by the shocking revelations of the abuse of power in the SAPS’s Crime Intelligence is an understatement,” general secretary Oscar Skommere said on Wednesday.

“The entire SAPS is rotten to the core.” 

He said in a statement said there was no effective management in the service and a judicial commission was long overdue.

“The police are a vital state organ that we can’t afford to misuse,” said Skommere.

“Politics must never be allowed in the police.” 

In February, prosecutors withdrew charges against Crime Intelligence boss Richard Mdluli and three others stemming from the 1999 murder of his love rival Oupa Ramogibe.

An inquest has been established to determine whether the State had enough evidence for a trial.