The fall of a rabble rouser

A time-line of events

July 2011 - Angers ANC with comments criticising President Jacob Zuma about his role in the UN's Libya no-fly zone decision.

August 2011 - Hauled before a disciplinary hearing following his comments.

August 2011 - Applies to have charges against him quashed. ANC national disciplinary committee (NDC) meets to deliberate over Malema's application.

September 2011 - the NDC rejects the application and proceeds with the hearing.

November 2011 - Malema found guilty of contravening Rules 25, 5(c) and (i) of the ANC constitution for expressing views at a press conference of the ANC Youth League on July 31 2011 "which sought to portray the ANC government and its leadership under President (Jacob) Zuma in a negative light in relation to the African agenda and which had the potential to sow division and disunity in the ANC". (This after Malema's views on Botswana, which contravened ANC policy). He is suspended from the ANC for five years.

January 2012 - Malema files papers to appeal his suspension. Oral arguments heard.

February 2012 - the ANC's national disciplinary committee of appeal (NDCA) upholds his suspension. The NDCA allows him to argue in mitigation of a lesser sentence. The ANC, however, agitates for a harsher sentence. Malema is expelled from the ANC after the NDCA rejects his appeal against the five-year suspension.

March 2012 - Malema's lawyers confirm that he will appeal the expulsion.

April 2012 - Files papers to appeal the expulsion. The NDCA expels Malema from the ANC.

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