Khoisan leader to receive official send off

The late Khomani San traditional leader Oom David Kruiper will have an official state funeral in the Kalahari this weekend, an official said.

The Northern Cape premier's spokeswoman, Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, said Kruiper would be buried at Witdraai in the Kalahari.

Traditional Affairs Minister Richard Baloyi, acting Northern Cape premier Grizelda Cjiekella and several Northern Cape MECs were expected to attend.

Thomas-Abrahams said an estimated 2000 mourners from South Africa and neighbouring Namibia were expected at the funeral.

These included traditional leaders, and dignitaries from Assmang Mine, SANParks and the Northern Cape House of Traditional Leaders.

Kruiper, 71, died about two weeks ago after being admitted to hospital a week before.

Kruiper was known for his acting role as a tracker in the 1989 movie, The Gods Must Be Crazy II.

He addressed the United Nations in Geneva on the rights of indigenous people in 1994, and led the way for land claims in South Africa for the San people. Some 40,000 hectares of land were handed back to the San in March 1999.

Kruiper was also involved in the development and restoring of the San languages.


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