Two boys killed by KZN lightning strike

Two children were killed and three critically injured when they were struck by lightning in Mthonjaneni, KwaZulu-Natal, the premier's office said on Sunday.

Eleven boys were struck while playing football in the area's ward four on Saturday afternoon, premier Senzo Mchunu said in a statement.

One of the boys died on the scene, the other on the way to hospital.

Nine of the boys were injured and taken to KwaMagwaza Hospital. Six of them were discharged and the other three were still being treated.

"We call upon the people of our province to avoid open fields in case of lightning and ensure that children are safely at home," Mchunu said.

"This incident happens barely 24 hours after we laid to rest victims of the same disaster in Nongoma on Saturday."

He was referring to the seven people killed and four seriously injured when they were struck by lightning last Saturday.

Three weeks ago, six people were killed by a lightning strike near Colenso and Paulpietersburg.


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