SA to embark on a further education revolution

The South African government seems to be going on an all out educational revolution.

Last week‚ the government revealed it intended to provide education to about 12-million adults and youth with a qualification less than a Grade 9 (formerly standard 7) by opening Community Education and Training Colleges (CETC).

According to the national policy on CETC‚ published in the Government Gazette on Friday‚ “The CETC are intended to provide ‘second-chance learning opportunities for out-of-school youth and adults’.”

The intention is for these institutions to provide education and training for those unable to get into universities or Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges (TVTC).

Meanwhile‚ according to the FET Colleges website‚ the South African education system is administered by the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Higher Education and Training. The Department of Basic Education and Training‚ administers school education from Grade R to Grade 12‚ while the Department of Higher Education and Training administers post-school education and training.

Post-school education and training includes universities and private higher education institutions‚ TVET colleges and private colleges‚ soon to be established community colleges‚ Sector Education and Training Authorities‚ regulatory bodies such as the South African Qualifications Authority‚ and quality councils.

Technical and vocational education and training comprises vocational‚ occupational and artisan education‚ and training as offered by TVET colleges.

Also revealed was that the programmes on offer would be determined by community needs and the needs of the state.

“They will include early childhood development‚ entrepreneurship‚ motor mechanics‚ plumbing‚ construction‚ carpentry‚ electricity‚ welding and auto body repair‚” government communications said.

One such college will be established as a pilot project in each province but with no timelines given as yet. In the short- to medium term‚ they are to operate out of schools‚ vocational education colleges and faith-based organisations.