Nadia Herbst bows out of Idols SA

Being the first to get booted out of the Idols South Africa top 10 will not deter Nadia Herbst from her musical calling.

The 20 year-old from Paarl bowed out of Idols on Sunday after failing to get enough votes from her fans.

She says that she will not let her musical dream die and that she has plans of permanently relocating from Paarl to Johannesburg to focus on her music career.

"Nadia is coming to Joburg. I want to bring an album out to secure my music career. Maybe start with acting and presenting," she said.

Nadia says that besides her kicking off her music career by working on  her album and possible TV jobs, she is also looking forward to working with DStv.

"As the top 16, we are getting booking agents as well so they are going to work with us, build our careers, help us. It's amazing. There are some great opportunities."

Nadia has been described as an 'emotional wreck' throughout the competition for having links with her tears.

From the auditions phase when she broke down and cried after receiving her golden ticket, the judges were unsure about her being able to handle the pressure.

"Because I am not an acting person a lot of emotion come to my face so sometimes they think I'm nervous but I was quite fine that's why I couldn't understand why they were saying I'm nervous because I wanna cry you know," she said.

Nadia says that she appreciate all the experience she received from the competition.

"This whole competition was amazing, it's something I will never forget in my life and the people, the people backstage, the people behind the scenes. That's basically who I'm going to miss.

"The experience has opened so many doors and learning a lot of the music industry as well. It's a lot of working on, working from 7 to 11 in the evening. There's no seven to five job. What you put in you gonna get out."

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