Deborah Fraser embroiled in messy court drama

Award-winning gospel star Deborah Fraser is embroiled in a messy court drama after she demanded a goat from the family of a dead woman who used to be her tenant.

Fraser (50) was also accused of stealing property belonging to the dead woman.

The Abanye Bayombona hitmaker has been hauled to the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg by the son of her late tenant, who claims in court papers that the gospel songstress had hijacked the deceased's belongings.

Lehlohonolo Matlhare, the son of Lydia Matlhare, who died three months ago, filed an urgent application to force Fraser to release and surrender all the moveable property of his late mother.

Matlhare also accused Fraser of trying to extort money from his family after she claimed that their late mother owed her R59000 in unpaid rent.

Court documents also reveal that Fraser demanded a goat and that the family must get a sangoma to cleanse the house before she could release the moveable property.


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