Giraffe‚ buck and elephant need our garden leaves

leaf in hand Picture Credit: iStock
leaf in hand Picture Credit: iStock

The Joburg Zoo has appealed to the public for help feeding its herbivores.

“Planning to prune trees on your property? You can turn your garden chore into an act of kindness by donating the off-cuts to Joburg Zoo’s herbivores‚” the zoo said in a statement on Monday.

 “Joburg Zoo residents such the giraffe‚ eland‚ bongo‚ nyala and elephant would be delighted to nibble on these juicy treats — adding variety to their usual diets.”

Many of the Zoo’s animals enjoy leafy snacks throughout the year‚ and the Zoo’s keepers often struggle to provide them with enough to “browse” on.

The tree off-cuts would have to be delivered to the Zoo within 24 hours of pruning‚ as this they wilt and can become toxic.

Species the Zoo can use include:

- Acacia/Thorn tree (Acacia species)

- Bamboo (Phyllostachys species)

- Banana (Musa species)

- Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)

- Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

- Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

- Karee (Rhus species)

- Oak (Quercus species)

- Plane (Platanus species)

- Stinkwood (Celtis species)

- Tipuana (Tipuana tipu)

- Wild olive (Olea europaea Africana)

Warning — Toxic tree species the Zoo is unable to use include:

- Common ivy (Hedera helix)‚ False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia)‚ Oleander (Nerium oleander)‚ Philodendron (Araceae species)‚ Privet (Ligustrum species)‚ Red Maple (Acer rubrum)‚ and Yew (Taxus baccata).


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