Attack at UFS rugby match 'trampled' rights of protesters - Jansen

University of Free State Vice Chancellor Jonathan Jansen said on Tuesday that the brawl between protesters and spectators at the Shimla Park rugby stadium had opened up old wounds. 

"Monday night's event was a setback for transformation, we had made so much progress. The acts of the spectators trampled literally and figuratively the rights of the protesters and opened old wounds," Jansen told reporters in Bloemfontein.   

On Monday, a Varsity Cup match between the UFS and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) was disrupted when protesters and students swarmed the field and took each other on in a massive brawl.

Jansen said the game started at 18:30 and that 17 minutes into the game, a group of protesters decided to disrupt proceedings.   

"We condemn this strongly. Nobody had the right to take the law into their own hands. While the protests were illegal and disruptive, it did no harm to the physical well-being of the spectators," Jansen said. 

He said his team has been working around the clock to meet the demands of contract workers demanding to be in-sourced, and was hoping to have reached an agreement by now. 

Last year, following the #FeesMustFall protests, the university raised the minimum wages of workers from R2 500 to R5 000.


Source: News24


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