Thulsie twins accused of wanting to bomb US diplomatic mission in South Africa

A set of identical twins have been charged under South Africa’s anti-terrorism laws for allegedly trying to aid the cause of the Islamic State by conspiring with others to blow up targets inside South Africa.

Brandon-Lee Thulsie and Tony-Lee Thulsie made a brief appearance in a packed Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Prosecutor Chris MacAdam‚ reading the charge sheet into court‚ said the neatly dressed pair faced three counts relating to plans to carry out terror attacks on South African soil.

The case has been postponed until July 19. The twins will remain in custody until then.

The brothers’ preliminary charge sheet alleges that their plotting occurred between October 2015 and July 8 this year.

“The accused unlawfully and intentionally conspired to commit the crime of terrorism by planning to cause explosions at a mission of the United States of America and Jewish institutions (all such structures located in the Republic of South Africa) in order to endanger life‚ cause death and/or serious bodily harm and the destruction or substantial damage to such structures‚” the charge sheet states.


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